Definition :
A speacial dates of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Ajwa date is a celebrated
assortment of dates, grown exclusively in Medina, Saudi Arabia
Description: Ranging from a dark brown to almost black colour, these dates are
delightfully soft and fruity with a prune-like taste and tend to be of a
dry variety. Texture is sweet and not so sweet
Benefit : 1) reduce colestrol and make Heart health
2) highly calcium for bones and teeth
3) Diabetes
4) Boost the immune system
5) Pregnancy
6) Dates are considered as a natural resource for nutrition, it provides
the body with a high percentage of proteins, minerals and vitamins
e.g. Vitamin a, B1, B2 and BB which are constructive ingredients for
building up the body tissues and muscles
7) can lose of weight for those who are in diet or less to eat.
8) it prevent colon cancer
How to eat : consume daily in odd number such 1pc,3pcs,5pcs,7pcs when
stomach empty, can eat before sleep or in the morning or when you
think you are needed
also if you need more energy you also can take anytime but for them
are healthier, cold not for those who are in diebetic
dont eat after you drink teh tarik or after eat nasi
also can be an appetiser
suggested: for those who are active in sport suggested to consume need more
for kids are growing up to staying healthy and brain developement
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